AD/HD Medication May Be Deadly
Posted on January 20, 2009
The Associated Press reported from Washington, DC that new problems have been found with regard to the drugs prescribed to treat attention deficit and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These drugs carry the risk of mental disorientation and heart problems, including sudden death. There have been reports of increased blood pressure and heart rate in ADHD patients as well as cases of sudden death in some who have heart problems and heart defects. Adult patients also report problems with stroke and heart attack.
Black Box Warning Issued
A federal expert advisory panel recommeded that the medications carry a prominent black box warning of reports of sudden death, or other serious complications such as cardiac arrest, toxic reaction, heart palpitations or chest pain. Some patients even report incidents of psychiatric delusions such as hearing voices, seeing hallucinations, having unfounded suspicions and manic behavior. Currently 2.5 million children and 1.5 million adults are taking the drugs which include Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall, Adderall XR, Methylin and Metadate.
Fewer than 10% of Prescription Drugs Carry Black Box Warning
Black box warnings are intended to alert physicians and patients that a durg may carry significant side effects; fewer than 10 percent of prescription drugs carry a black box warning. Black box warnings are the strongest warnings available for prescription drugs.
27 Children Have Died While taking AD/HD Medication
Members of the board are worried that the drugs are being overused in the United States, other countries rarely recognize this condition yet 10 percent of all 10 year old American boys are taking these medications to focus and control impulsive behavior. There has been a sharp rise in adults taking them as well, which brings the current useage to 1.5 million adults and 2.5 million children. In addition to this steep increase in the use of stimulant drugs comes the report of the sudden death of 27 children who were taking the AD/HD medicaton and had previously, undiagnosed heart problems.
Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology has a Safe, Effective and Proven Program that Eliminates AD/HD
ADD, AD/HD and other learning disabilities such as Dyslexia are very real conditions that need to be diagnosed and treated by a professional, but they do not all need to be treated with drugs. Other methods of treatment are more effective than drugs and carry no side effects. Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology has an Unlimited Potential Program (UPP) that retrains and balances the brain so that the ADD, AD/HD or dyslexic conditon no longer exists. Many of our patients are able to reduce or eliminate their prescription drugs due to the permanent neurological rehabillitation that enables a school age child to show dramatic academic improvement. Some children even see growth of two school years by the end of the program. Every child who completes the program will have improved cognitive and motor skills, obtain higher test scores, have better focus and concentration and be less fidgety and hyperactive.
Schedule an Appointment for Your Child Today
Your child is depending on you to keep them safe and provide them with the opportunities they need to grow to their fullest potential. A learning problem prevents every child from feelling successful but the Unlimited Potential Program will help them surpass their goals and find long lasting success. To schedule an appointment call 302-778-0100. Mention this blog entry and receive a complimentary, neurological consultation.
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