MS Momentum

Posted on January 6, 2010


Multiple Sclerosis, MS, is a chronic condition that leaves scars and lesions in the brain and the spinal cord that are known as sclerosis. The disease attacks the central nervous system through an autoimmune process that makes the body incapable of distinguishing between the host and the invader causing the body to attack itself.
In MS, myelin, the fatty sheath or coating that surrounds each nerve and acts like the insulation on an electrical wire, is eaten away by the body’s immune system causing demyelization. The myelin allows electrical signals to pass between nerve cells at high speeds. When the myelin is damaged it has some ability to heal itself, however lesions and scar tissue, interfere with the electrical impulses. When the electrical signals are unable to get to and from the brain quickly or don’t get there at all symptoms develop. Permanent symptoms will occur when the myelin is destroyed and the nerve cells are damaged.
Common Symptoms
Common symptoms include: vision problems such as blurred or doubled vision that may advance to involuntary eye movements, pain or temporary loss of sight. Fatigue, muscle stiffness or weakness that may cause clumsiness, dropping things, inability to pick up or hold things and leg dragging; poor balance or changes in walk or gait, dizziness or bobbing from side to side; tingling in arms and legs, shock-like pain and numbness resulting in a decreased ability to feel heat or cold and a reduced sense of touch. Bowel and bladder difficulties; problems concentrating, foggy thinking, getting lost in a familiar surrounding, loss of memory as well as mood related issues: unaccounted depression, sadness, hopelessness, uncontrollable crying and thoughts of death or suicide. There may be times when no symptoms are present, however, it is important to note that even when there are no symptoms, there is a progression of damage.
MS as a disease, attacks more women than men usually between the ages of 20-40. It is found more frequently in cooler climates with Canada having a higher rate of occurrence than the United States. There is no known cure.
Treatment that Restores Function
As disheartening and debilitating as MS can be as a disease there is still much restoration of normal function that can be gained from chiropractic neurology treatment. Once an area of weakness in the electrical activity is identified chiropractic or functional neurological therapies are used to strengthen or bypass the damaged areas. Thus, the electrical impulses are once again able to pass between the nerve cells at high speeds and lost function is restored. In some cases alternative brain pathways are developed to take the place of those nerves which are permanently damaged. This therapy is non-drug and non-surgical using the eyes, reflexes and senses to retrain and strengthen the Central Nervous System.
Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology offers a comprehensive neurological examination, on site restorative treatment and accepts most major insurance. Some of our MS patients have this to say about the results of their treatment here at Healing Medical.
Patient Testimonials
I first diagnosed myself with MS due to the clumsy, stumbling walk and inability to balance that I had developed. The room was constantly spinning, there was a halo around all of the lights and severe pain on the right side of my body that radiated down my arm and ended with pins and needles in my hands and feet. I was confused and had trouble remembering things. People often thought I was drunk.
After just a few weeks of treatment the severe pain in my right arm is gone and the pins and needles have stopped. I am now regaining function and strength on the entire right side of my body. The vertigo has lessened considerably and my walking has improved by 70%. My concentration and memory are 90% improved and the halo that appeared around all of the lights is gone. D.E.
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When I first came to Healing Medical I was on medical disability from my job. I had lost the ability to read, was extremely dizzy and was having trouble walking and mentally processing.
After completing the treatment I am back at work and able to function like everyone else around me. I can read, process thoughts quickly and am no longer dizzy. D.G.
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I first discovered I had MS when I was in the shower and could only feel the water on one side of my body. That was soon followed by double-vision and then a diagnosis.
By the time I was introduced to Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology I had a herniated disc in my neck, uncontrollable tremors in my head and I had given up on doctors. My MD opted for surgery, the PT I was seeing for the disc gave me a pinched nerve and the MS was getting progressively worse.
Today, the pain has decreased, the tremors are greatly reduced and I feel as though I am making sustainable progress. I hope to leave the wheelchair behind some day and take back all that MS has tried to take from me. S.W.
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Complimentary Consultation
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of the symptoms listed above you may not have MS but you should be seen by an expert as soon as possible. To schedule a consultation please call 302-668-8082, mention this blog entry and the consultation will be free of charge.


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One Man’s Journey

Posted on November 30, 2009


           Ed Melasecca is a gift to those around him. He constantly reaches out to others who are in pain, offering them a sympathetic ear and a compassionate heart. People like Ed remind us all of the value of caring: they deserve the best life has to give. Unfortunately, they don’t always get it. 
Ed’s life underwent an abrupt restructuring in 1982 via a terrible car accident. He sustained severe brain trauma and injuries to the right side of his body. Following a three-month-long coma Ed spent three years fighting his way back to an independent life.   He describes his suffering at that time as a six on the 1-10 pain scale, sometimes rising to eight, and he remained partially numb on his right side. Despite this constant misery, Ed married, fathered a son and continued to function as best he could - but his ailments worsened. The decline in his mental and physical abilities eventually robbed him of his hard-won independence. In 2009, Ed came to Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology to get it back.
Ed started the rehabilitation process with the help of Dr. Trent Ryan, D.C., D.A.C.N.B. When Ed arrived at CMCN he had been forced to move to an assisted living facility. He had lost his freedom and many daily life abilities.   Dr. Ryan began Ed’s treatment with a detailed functional exam that would determine the level of communication between brain and body. He tested Ed’s brain reaction time and message delivery system to see just what areas had been affected by Ed’s accident. Next: Ed was prescribed a course of treatment that consisted of regular chiropractic adjustments, neurological stimulation and (if possible) physical rehabilitation. Ed has been consistent in his determined progress; the changes are amazing.
Ed’s pain has diminished greatly, sometimes almost completely, and he is regaining sensation in his right side. His mobility has improved dramatically. Both his vision and his speech have become clearer.    His mental processing speed has increased. Everything about him is clear and focused.
Ed Melasecca has come a long way but his path stretches on. He envisions a life where he will function without injury-imposed limitations. He says “When I first came to the assisted living home I was not independent. I needed help with daily living but now I’m ready to move out. I only need occasional assistance.” Ed’s future vision is a realistic one. With the steady gains he is making at Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology, he will get there.
If you or anyone you know is suffering from injury or illness please call 302-668-8082 to schedule a complimentary consultation. Your suffering stops at our door.






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Falling and Aging do not go hand in hand!

Posted on July 14, 2009


Good Balance  Keeps You Young
Keeping you on your feet is not just good for your bones it’s good for your brain. The brain depends on the information that is being sent back from your muscles for stimulation. The same area of the brain that controls coordination also controls memory and thinking, therefore, balance problems are an early indicator of Alzheimer’s. Researchers at the University of Washington, led by Dr. Eric Larson, followed 2,288 elderly patients for six years. At the start of the study none of the participants had any sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s, however, by the study’s end 319 had developed dementia and 221 had Alzheimer’s. Consistent among those who developed dementia were problems with walking and balance.
Alzheimer’s and Dementia may be Preventable
In addition to memory loss and mental decline, poor balance can lead to severe injury due to a fall. Falls are the number one cause of death in people age 75 and over. They are the number two cause of death for people age 65-75 and they are the number one cause of nonfatal, unintentional injuries treated by hospital emergency rooms among all ages. Poor balance is not a symptom of aging, its not just being clumsy or klutzy. Feeling uncoordinated, unstable on your feet and/or falling frequently are all warning signs of a neurological dysfunction. Left untreated this brain malfunction may lead to Alzheimer’s, a fall that results in death or a broken hip. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 90% of all hip fractures are caused by falls.
Balance Analysis is the Answer
Early detection and correction is the key to identifying and eliminating the risk of falling and may also reduce the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology offers a complete balance restoration program. A computerized balance analysis identifies specific weaknesses that are then corrected and maintained through specifically targeted chiropractic neurological therapy.
Get Help Now
Don’t wait until you or a loved one injures themselves in a fall. Get the help you need now and maintain the independent lifestyle you desire. Call 302-778-0100 today.

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Lyme Disease Destroys but Chiropractic Neurology Restores

Posted on March 16, 2009



 Damage to the Central Nervous System from Lyme Disease is Reversible

Lyme Disease and other bacterial infections can and do invade the central nervous system where they do damage that up until now was thought to be irreversible. Thanks to new research in the field of functional neurology there is hope for those who are suffering with the aftermath of Lyme or any other bacterial infection that has spread throughout the body.

According to the Lyme Disease Association of Southeastern Pennslyvania, some of the most common symptoms are unrelenting fatigue; joint or musle pain (particularly in the neck, knee, back, or foot); vision or hearing abnormalities; numbness or tingling, particularly at the extremities; facial paralysis; heart disease; psychological disturbances; and stomach problems. If left untreated Lyme Disease can result in neurological disorders, crippling arthritis, blindness, deafness and psychiatric or psychological disorders.

Chiropractic Neurology Repairs the Neurons of the Brain

Functional Neurology or Chiropractic Neurology does not replace or duplicate the necessary treatment that is prescribed by a Lyme literate medical doctor, nor should it be considered a viable alternative to antibiotics. However, functional Neurology can and should be included as part of your treatment regiment as a way to restore proper communication between brain and body. This brain/body wellness, once restored, will assist the body in healing and will restore neurological function that was compromised due to the disease process.

Functional Neurology retrains the part of the brain and the nervous system that has become dysfunctional or weak enabling it to become synchronized through Hemisphere Integration Therapy. Hemisphere Integration Therapy is a unique hybrid of non-invasive procedures from other disciplines like neuroopotmetry (eye treatment), occupational therapy, physio-therapy, cerebellar/movement, speech, auditory, nutrition and bio-chemical intervention. This is a non-surgical, non-drug program that works as a compliment to traditional Lyme care.

Recommended by a Pre-emminent Lyme Doctor

Dr. Ann Corson of Cochranville, PA is a Lyme literate Doctor know for her innovative approach to the disease, she has the following to say about Chiropractic Neurology with regard to Lyme’s Disease. "For those patients who have suffered neurological damage due to the disease process, the functional neurology offered by Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology will repair damaged neurological connections and restore function that was lost due to infection. I recommend the treatment to all my patients.

Patient Testimonials - Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology - Lyme Sufferers

Lyme Disease made itself evident for me with a lot of joint pain and brain fog. The chiropractic adjustments made me feel physically better and the interactive metronome training/neurological program really helped my inability to concentrate, focus and stay on task. If you are expereiencing neurological symptoms from Lyme, the neurological re-training provided by Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology will be beneficial. I have recommended the program to several doctors that I work with. C.A.

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It took years of agony and sickness for me to get diagnosed and although I have not yet completed the program I am noticing an increase in energy, less brain fog, relief of my joint pain (last year I couldn’t walk for three months) and improvement in the dizziness I was constantly subjected to. I have much less eye pain and can complete sentences and word find puzzles. D.J.

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I wasn’t sure the program was worth it at first, but after going through the treatment and receiving the therapy I am thrilled with the results. Now that I understand the benefits, I would have paid three times as much. H.K.

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Adding the Chiropractic Neurology treatment offered at Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurolgy to my regular Lyme regime has acted like an accelerant to my progress. It had increased the effectiveness of the medication that was prescribed for me by my Lyme Doctor and has given me an overall sense of well-being.The dizziness I was experiencing has disappeared and my normal vision has been restored. I no longer suffer from a loss of vision on the perimeter of my vision field. The pain I was experiencing is gone, especially in the neck and I am able to think more clearly and process better cognitively. RF

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 You Don’t Have to Suffer Any Longer

If you have been suffering from the effects of Lyme and cannot find the help you need, Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology is here to help you. Our treatment can end your suffering and change your life just as it has changed the lives of the individuals who commented above. Pain: anywhere in the body, Brain Fog, Dizziness, Motor Coordination, Dfficutly with Mental Processing, Fatigue, Digestive Disorders, Numbness or Tingling, Facial Paralysis, Vision or Hearing Abnormalities, Psychological Disturbances and many other symptoms disappear with the treatment offered at Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology. To find out more about our Lyme Disease Restoration Program please call 302-668-8082.






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AD/HD Medication May Be Deadly

Posted on January 20, 2009



The Associated Press reported from Washington, DC that new problems have been found with regard to the drugs prescribed to treat attention deficit and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These drugs carry the risk of mental disorientation and heart problems, including sudden death. There have been reports of increased blood pressure and heart rate in ADHD patients as well as cases of sudden death in some who have heart problems and heart defects. Adult patients also report  problems with stroke and heart attack.

Black Box Warning Issued

A federal expert advisory panel recommeded that the medications carry a prominent black box warning of reports of sudden death, or other serious complications such as cardiac arrest, toxic reaction, heart palpitations or chest pain. Some patients even report incidents of psychiatric delusions such as hearing voices, seeing hallucinations, having unfounded suspicions and manic behavior. Currently 2.5 million children and 1.5 million adults are taking the drugs which include Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall, Adderall XR, Methylin and Metadate.

Fewer than 10% of Prescription Drugs Carry Black Box Warning

Black box warnings are intended to alert physicians and patients that a durg may carry significant side effects; fewer than 10 percent of prescription drugs carry a black box warning. Black box warnings are the strongest warnings available for prescription drugs.

27 Children Have Died While taking AD/HD Medication

Members of the board are worried that the drugs are being overused in the United States, other countries rarely recognize this condition yet 10 percent of all 10 year old American boys are taking these medications to focus and control impulsive behavior. There has been a sharp rise in adults taking them as well, which brings the current useage to 1.5 million adults and 2.5 million children. In addition to this steep increase in the use of stimulant drugs comes the report of the sudden death of 27 children who were taking the AD/HD  medicaton and had previously, undiagnosed heart problems.

Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology has a Safe, Effective and Proven Program that Eliminates AD/HD

ADD, AD/HD and other learning disabilities such as Dyslexia are very real conditions that need to be diagnosed and treated by a professional, but they do not all need to be treated with drugs. Other methods of treatment are more effective than drugs and carry no side effects. Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology has an Unlimited Potential Program (UPP) that retrains and balances the brain so that the ADD, AD/HD or dyslexic conditon no longer exists. Many of our patients are able to reduce or eliminate their prescription drugs due to the permanent neurological rehabillitation that enables a school age child to show dramatic academic improvement. Some children even see growth of two school years by the end of the program. Every child who completes the program will have improved cognitive and motor skills, obtain higher test scores, have better focus and concentration and be less fidgety and hyperactive.

Schedule an Appointment for Your Child Today

Your child is depending on you to keep them safe and provide them with the opportunities they need to grow to their fullest potential. A learning problem prevents every child from feelling successful but the Unlimited Potential Program will help them surpass their goals and find long lasting success. To schedule an appointment call 302-778-0100. Mention this blog entry and receive a complimentary, neurological consultation.





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Lower Your Blood Pressure Safely and Effectively Without Medication

Posted on May 1, 2008

Hypertension Affects Millions 

Until recently the only treatment option available for the 65 million Americans suffering with hypertension was prescription medication. Now there appears to be a safe and effective way to treat high blood pressure without drugs and their possible side effects. Good Morning America reported that the University of Chicago conducted a double blind study using chiropractic adjustments in place of medication. Adjustments were made to the C-1 vertebra, located at the top of the spine and commonly referred to as the body’s fuse box.All patients who received chiropractic care noticed a significant drop in blood pressure.  

 17 Point Drop in Blood Pressure

The Journal of Human Hypertension published the study and quotes University of Chicago Medical Center specialist George Bakris as stating, “The results were intriguing. The patients who received the Chiropractic adjustment saw their blood pressure drop an average of 17 points – a dip that usually takes two blood pressure medications to achieve.”  Dr. Tim Johnson, medical editor for Good Morning America informed people suffering with hypertension that the adjustment needed must be preformed by a Chiropractor with highly specialized training such as Dr. Trent Ryan D.C., D.A.C.N.B of Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology.  

Specialized Neurological Training

Dr. Ryan’s unique neurological training enables him to offer more than just pain relief. Dr. Ryan who describes himself as, “an electrician of the brain,” conducts between 50-100 comprehensive neurological tests before assigning a course of treatment. Therapy includes a full spectrum of chiropractic and neurological rehabilitation that safely lowers and stabilizes blood pressure while balancing and increasing brain activity .

Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology 
6 Sharpley Road in Wilmington, DE 19803

To schedule a consultation, call: 302-778-0100

For more comprehensive information about the many types of treatment offered by Healing Medical Chiropractic Neurology visit their website at


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